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Special track on

Laboratory Outsourcing

The special track is dedicated to exploring the contract laboratory outsourcing landscape. It will provide the opportunity to meet in person with scientists and technicians in the field of laboratory outsourcing services, as well as users who need their services and expertise. Attendees will also share valuable insights into key topics such as laboratory outsourcing strategies, vendor selection, third-party lab testing, and quality control.

Suggested topics

  • Selecting and Managing Outsourcing Partners: strategies for selecting and managing outsourcing partners, incorporating effective communication, performance metrics, and quality control to achieve optimal results.
  • Tailored Solutions in Lab Outsourcing: customized outsourcing solutions, integrating tailored services and flexible approaches to meet the specific needs of biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.
  • Analytical Testing and Diagnostics Outsourcing: advancements in analytical testing and diagnostics, utilizing state-of-the-art technologies and expert lab services for enhanced precision and efficiency.
  • Research and Development Outsourcing: R&D outsourcing to specialized labs, leveraging cutting-edge expertise, resources, and collaboration to speed up product development.

Proposal submission

The special topic track is part of the Forum and included within the main conference program. Thus, the same rules for submissions apply as for the main conference.

Make your submission

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